Scuba Diving in 2019

For the third year in a row, I've gone on a six day Bahamian liveaboard scuba trip with Blackbeard's, and had an awesome time. Blackbeard's is the perfect no-frills live-aboard trip for me. It's close enough for me to get there on a direct flight, and cheap enough that it doesn't require as much saving as something like my upcoming trip to Indonesia on the Ambai.

Since it was my third time there, I expected to see a bunch of repeat sites, and was fine with that. The second time I went, I desperately wanted to do the Washing Machine dive again, but weather prevented a return. There were a handful of amazing dives that I happily repeated. Madison Avenue, and Barracuda Shoals, have been among the best dives I've ever done.

The first time I went, I remember vividly the amount of life along the wall dives. The breadth of coral species, the colour, the massive amounts of fish, the varied macro life, the sheer awe inspiring magnitude of the strangeness of a deep sea dive. The second reinforced those memories.

This year, everything was dead, dying, sad and bleached. Way to go us!

Here's a video...