Top 10 records of 2014

A bunch of these aren’t from 2014, but I got into them/heard them for the first time this year so it counts. Including tripping balls music because, fuck my punk friends; they don't read this anyhow.

Also, yeah, way to be on time Robbie.

10. Death from Above 1979 - The Physical World

I've been waiting to see DFA since like, 2005 so when this came out I was stoked and figured I'd get to see them somewhere like the 9:30 club in DC. But instead they played bigger venues and were expensive so I didn't go. Love this new record though.

9. Victims - In Blood

Napped on this band, had the record, listened once or twice never got really really into it. That changed. Record rips.

8. Tove Lo - Queen of the Clouds

Break up record? Yup. Has its moments and saw me through a dark couple of months.

7. Run the Jewels - 2

This is on here more because I like the first one enough to put it on this list, but it's old as shit so I'm trying to be good.

6. Chelsea Wolfe - Pain is Beauty

Thanks to the ever talented Tammy Kim finally heard Chelsea Wolfe after seeing a few of my friends posting pretty awesome gothy pictures on IG. This record was on heavy rotation with the Tove Lo record.

5. Robyn and Royksopp - Do It Again

2014 was the year I really got into electronic music for its own sake, rather than just a background to partying that decreasingly involves alcohol and even more decreasingly involves loud punchy punch fighty fight music. This record is what really did it for me. I've been into Robyn for a while, but as a pop musician, not as a serious record I really look forward to listening to.

I rocked this album really hard when I first heard it, and still love almost the whole thing. The slow burn of Monument is ruined by Sayit's ridiculous droning boring monotony. 9 minutes of awesome followed by 6 and a half minutes of stupid. According to my I've listened to Sayit 13 times, and I'd venture that at least 10 of those times I skipped it before it finished, or even got started.

Thankfully the title track slays everything and redeems every miss in the last one. I've listened to this song more times than will admit, and every time there's a little piece that makes me glad I am not so punk anymore. Every Little Thing is a great closer for the EP and Royksopp sneaks in an instrumental typical of their style.

Record's great, glad I went to the show, wish I'd been more out of my mind.

4.Eagulls - ST

Holy shit this is a fucking brilliant record. Post-Punk in the way that it's still punk, but a bit gloomier and not as frenetic.

3. Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, M.A.A.D City

Enough was said by better people about this record when it came out. I'm not much of a hip-hop head, but this record is fucking amazing, lyrically and beats wise. The story that's told through the whole record is what really made me love it.

2. No Problem - Already Dead

Best punk rock record I've heard since GW's No Moderation. Up there with Adolescents. Ridiculous catchy hooks, insane good riffs. Record destroys.

1. Beastmilk - Climax

It's hard for me to talk about how much I like this record because it's so fucking good that almost a year after I first got into it, I still fall all over myself when listening to it.